Monday, January 5, 2009


When people ask me what I do for a living I generally answer "I work in a restaurant"

The most common response I get is "oh so you're a waitress/server?"

Then, when I say "no, I'm a cook" people always look SHOCKED and I get the following comment.

"You cook??? But you're so girly!!"

OR I get "oh you do pastries?"

What does that even mean???

Just cuz I'm a chick I'm a pastry cook???

Is that supposed to be a compliment???

I can't cook if I'm "pretty" or "girly"???

Isn't this 2009???

Yes I am a woman. Yes I cook professionally. Yes I enjoy wearing mascara, skirts, and heels. Yes, I love a good pedicure now and then. I also swear like a sailor and butcher dead animals.

I am a woman and I am a cook.
And no, not a pastry cook.

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