Tuesday, June 17, 2008

w o w

How did I get here?? No seriously how did this happen? This moment in life seems unreal. Last summer at this time I was working at a summer camp, going to UIC about to enter my last semester - all while pondering if a bachelors degree in psychology would really make me happy.

Impulsively I decided it wouldn't.

I didn't register for classes, I didn't go back to uic, I decided to live my dream.

I started culinary school....

Now, less than a year later I've just landed a job in one of the most well known restaurants in chicago.

The Signature Room @ The 95th

Tomorrow is my first day and it absolutely feels like a dream. I never thought I'd really be here. Every time college used to get hard and stressful I'd say I was gonna drop out and open a restaurant. Well I dropped out alright...and no I don't own Signature Room but they own me so its close enough.

I've been trying to be calm about this. To keep telling myself its not that big of a deal. But its a Chicago icon and now I'm a part of it. Surreal.

I'm finally happy.

Today my mom told me she's proud of me.

That's the best part.

So, that's my news and I just want to say thanks to all my friends and family who've been so encouraging of my dream this last year. You all are my inspirations and the reasons I love cooking in the first place.

You all brought me here.

1 comment:

Megan said...

aww you deserve it. i mean c'mon i knew from the first time we ate chunky campbells soup in my house during lunch that you would be a chefy hahaha!